Wei Xie
NOTE: E-mail addresses end with @purdue.edu

Ph.D., High Energy Physics 1997, Institute of High Energy Physics, Academia Sinica, Beijing, P.R. China
M.S., High Energy Physics 1994, Shangdong University, Jinan, Shandong, P.R. China
B.S., Physics 1991, Shangdong University, Jinan, Shandong, P.R. China
Research Interests
- Study Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) expected to exist a few micro-seconds after the "Big Bang". The experiments are being done at the Relativistic Heavy-ion Collider (RHIC) at Brookhaven National Lab in Long Island, NY and at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN in much higher collision energies. Currently, my group is studying the interactions between charm, beauty quarks and the QGPs created in the STAR experiment at RHIC and in the CMS experiment at LHC. We are also a member of the RHIC sPHENIX experiment.
- Pattern recoganization through Spiking neural networks (SNNs). SNNs are inspired by the human brain and use electrical signals, or spikes, to process information. Unlike traditional artificial neural networks, SNNs are more energy-efficient and use a learning method called Spike-Timing-Dependent Plasticity (STDP) to strengthen or weaken connections between neurons based on the timing of spikes. My current focus in this area is on supervised learning with STDP applied to images.
Graduate Students
- Xin Li (Ph.D. May 2013)
- now a scientist at USTC in China on high energy physics
- Mustafa Mustafa (Ph.D. August 2013)
- now a Senior Software Engineer - Deep Learning at Waymo Research
- Kurt Jung (Ph.D, May 2016)
- now Principal Data Scientist - Supply Chain at Lowes's Companies, inc.
- Jian Sun (Ph.D, May 2018)
- now a senior software engineer at AWS.
- Cheng-Chieh Peng (Ph.D, May 2020)
- now a Software Engineer at Google
- Rui Xiao (Ph.D, Dec 2021)
- now an Engineer in Boeing in China
- Soumik Chandra
- Joseph Bertaux
- Abigail Wesolek
- PHYS 241: Spring 2008, Spring 2009, Spring 2010
- PHYS 521: Fall 2008, Fall 2009, Fall 2010
- PHYS 214: Spring 2011, Spring 2012, Spring 2013
- PHYS 556: Fall 2011, Fall 2012, Fall 2013
- PHYS 272: Spring 2014, Spring 2015
- PHYS 330: Fall 2014, Fall 2015
Professional Experience
- Professor, Purdue University Dept. of Physics (2017 - present)
- Associate Professor, Purdue University Dept. of Physics (2013 - 2017)
- Assistant Professor, Purdue University Dept. of Physics (2007-2013)
- Riken-BNL Fellow, Riken-BNL Research Center, BNL (2004-2007)
- Postdoctoral Research Fellow, UC Riverside (2000-2004)
- Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel (1997-2000)
Selected Professional Activities
- Member of organization committee of Quark Matter 2017, Chicago, il (Oct. 2015 - Feb. 2017).
- Co-convener of STAR Heavy Flavor Physics Working Group (Oct. 2011 – Oct. 2013)
- Member of the international organization committee of the International Workshop on Heavy Quark Production in Heavy-ion Collisions in Utretcht, Netherlands (Jan. 2012 – Jun. 2012).
- Chair of the organization committee of the International Workshop on Heavy Quark Production in Heavy-ion Collisions, West Lafayette, IN, 01/04-01/06, 2011.
- Co-organizer of Workshop on Heavy Flavor probes in studying the Hot/dense matter created at RHIC , Brookhaven National Lab (2005)
- Co-convener of Heavy/Light Physics Working Group in PHENIX collaboration at RHIC (2004-2007)
- Project Manager of PHENIX reaction plane detector (2005-2007)
- Member, sPHENIX Collaboration at RHIC(2017 - present)
- Member of CMS Collaboration at LHC. (Jan. 2012 – present).
- Member, STAR Collaboration at RHIC(2007 - present)
- Member, PHENIX Collaboration at RHIC(1997 - 2007)
- Member, CERES Collaboration at CERN(1997 - 2012)
- Member, American Physical Society (2000 - present)
- Member, Mt. Kanbala and Yang-ba-jing cosmic-ray experiment in Tibet, China (1991-1997)
Awards and Honors
- RIKEN/BNL Research Center Fellowship at Brookhaven National Lab (2004-2007)
- Feinberg Fellowship at Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel (1997-2000)
- Guang Hua Fellowship Award for outstanding students in Shandong University, P.R. China (1988)
Selected Publications
- "Gradient-Free Supervised Learning using Spike-Timing-Dependent Plasticity for Image Recognition", W. Xie,
arXiv:2410.16524 [cs.CV] - "Production of prompt Lambda_c baryons in proton-proton and lead-lead collisions at 5.02 TeV", A. M. Sirun et al. (CMS collaboration), JHEP 01, 128 (2024).
- "Measurements of azimuthal anisotropy of nonprompt D0 mesons in PbPb collisions at sqrt(S_NN) = 5.02 TeV", A. M. Sirun et al. (CMS collaboration), Phys. Lett. B 850, 138389 (2024).
- “Production of lambda_C baryons in proton-proton and lead-lead collisions at sqrt(S_NN) = 5.02 TeV”,A. M. Sirun et al. (CMS collaboration), Phys. Lett. B 803, 135328 (2020).
- "New constraints on charm–quark hadronisation", A. M. Sirun et al. (CMS Collaboration), CERN Courier 59, 4 (2019), page 16.
- "Studies of Beauty Suppression via Nonprompt D0 Mesons in Pb-Pb Collisions at √NN= TeV", A. M. Sirun et al. (CMS Collaboration), Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 022001 (2019).
- "Measurement of prompt D0 meson azomuthal anisotropy in Pb-Pb collisions at 5.02 TeV", A. M. Sirun et al. (CMS Collaboration), Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 202301 (2018).
- “Charm-tagged jet production in pPb collisions at 5.02 TeV and pp collisions at 2.76 TeV”, V. Khathacryan et al. (CMS collaboration), Phys. Lett, B 772, 306 (2017).
- “Transverse momentum spectra of b jets in pPb collisions at 5.02 TeV”, V. Khathacryan et al. (CMS collaboration), Phys. Lett. B 754, 59 (2016).
- "Nuclear Modification of b-jets in Pb-Pb Collisions at 2.76 TeV", S. Chatrchyan et al. (CMS collaboration), Phys. Rev. Lett 113, 132301 (2014); Viewpoinr article: https://physics.aps.org/articles/v7/97
- “Nuclear modification factor of prompt D0 in PbPb collisions at 2.76 TeV”, V. Khathacryan et al. (CMS collaborations), CMS-PAS-HIN-15-005 (2015), https://cds.cern.ch/record/2055466?ln=en
- “High pT Non-photonic Electron Measurement in 200 GeV p+p collisions at RHIC”, H. Agakishiev et al. (STAR Collaboration), Phys. Rev. D 83, 052006 (2011).
- "Transverse Momentum and Centrality Dependence of high-pT Nonphotonic Electron Suppression in Au+Au collisions at $sqrt{s_{NN}}=200 GeV. B. I. Abelev, et al. (STAR Collaboration), Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 159902 (2011).
- "J/psi Production in Au+Au Collisions at sqrt(s_NN) = 200 GeV" A. Adare, et al.(PHENIX Collaboration) Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 232301 (2007)
- "Using Artificial Neural Network to Identify Primary Cosmic-ray component", Wei Xie, et al., Chinese Physics C21 (03), 205 (1997)
Full list of publications is here