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Marc William Caffee

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Marc Caffee
(765) 494-2586

B.S., Mathematics 1976 California State College
B.S., Physics 1979 California State College
M.S., Physics 1981 Washington University
Ph.D., Physics 1986 Washington University

Research Interests

Application of stable- and radio-nuclides to problems in the geosciences including Quaternary landform evolution, cosmochronology, hydrology and atmospheric processes. The development of techniques to enable the measurement of new cosmogenic nuclides.

Professional Experience
  • Professor of Physics, Purdue University, 2001-present
  • Associate Department Head, 2007-present
  • Research Scientist, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, 1988-2001
  • Post-Doctoral Research Scientist, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, 1986-1988.
  • Research Assistant, Washington University, 1979-1981
Professional Activities
  • American Geophysical Union
  • American Physical Society
  • Meteoritical Society
  • Geological Society of America
Selected Publications
  1. Nichols KK, Bierman PR, Caffee M, Finkel R, Larsen J,  Cosmogenically enabled sediment budgeting. Geology 33, (2005) 133-136.
  2. Nichols KK, Bierman PR, Eppes MC, Caffee M, Finkel R, Larsen J,  Late Quaternary history of the Chemehuevi Mountain piedmont, Mojave Desert, deciphered using Be-10 and Al-26. American Journal of Science 305, (2005) 345-368.
  3. Safran EB, Bierman PR, Aalto R, Dunne T, Whipple KX, Caffee M Erosion rates driven by channel network incision in the Bolivian Andes. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 30, (2005) 1007-1024.
  4. Sutton SR, Caffee MW, Dove MT,  Synchrotron radiation, neutron, and mass spectrometry techniques at user facilities. Elements 2, (2006) 15-21.
  5. Welten KC, Nishiizumi K, Caffee MW, Hillegonds DJ, Johnson JA, Julli AJT, Wieler R, Folco L,  Terrestrial ages, pairing, and concentration mechanism of Antarctic chondrites from Frontier Mountain, Northern Victoria Land. Meteoritics & Planetary Science 41, (2006) 1081-1094.
  6. Munroe JS, Laabs BJC, Shakun JD, Singer BS, Mickelson DM, Refsnider KA, Caffee MW, Latest Pleistocene advance of alpine glaciers in the southwestern Uinta Mountains, Utah, USA: Evidence for the influence of local moisture sources. Geology 34, (2006) 841-844.
  7. Kaplan MR, Singer BS, Douglass DC, Ackert RP, Caffee MW, Comment on: Cosmogenic nuclide chronology of pre-last glacial maximum moraines at Lago Buenos Aires, 46 degrees S, Argentina (Quaternary Research 63/3, 2005, 301-315) - Reply. Quaternary Research 66, (2006) 367-369.
  8. Owen LA, Caffee MW, Bovard KR, Finkel RC, Sharma MC Terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide surface exposure dating of the oldest glacial succession in the Himalayan orogen: Ladakh Range, northern India. Geological Society of America Bulletin 118, (2006)  383-392.

» Complete publication listing 

Last Updated: May 17, 2016 4:26 PM

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