Solomon Gartenhaus
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Emeritus Professor of Physics (Retired)
Office: Physics 274
Telephone: (765) 494-5503
Fax: (765) 494-0706
B.S., Physics, University of Pennsylvania, 1951
M.S., Physics, University of Illinois, 1953
Ph.D., Physics, University of Illinois, 1955
Phase transitions and critical phenomena, plasma physics and nuclear theory.
Research ActivitiesStudies of the antiferromagnetic Ising model on a square lattice and phenomenologies of various ferromagnets.
Teaching InterestsElectrodynamics, Quantum Mechanics, and Statistical Mechanics.
Graduate Students Former- Paul J. Finkler "A Solution of the Relativistic Dispersion Relations of Photoproduction According to the Method of Omnes", 1964. Associate Professor of Physics, University of Nebraska, Lincoln.
- Darwin J. Harwood "Effect of Correlations on Plasma Oscillations", 1963. Livermore.
- Stephen L. Brown " Electroproduction of Neutral Pions from Deuterium", 1963. Stanford Research Institute.
- James C. Porter "A Vibrational Approach for Plasma Correlations", 1965. Associate Professor of Physics and Astronomy, Eastern Michigan Univeristy, Ypsilanti.
- Theodore Fishman "Two Phenomenological Models of He-4", 1970.
- Hugh L. Scott "Analysis of a Model Condensation for Fermi-Systems", 1970. Physicist, Sandia Laboratories, NM.
- W. Scott McCullough "Neglect of Irrelevant Variables and Corrections to Scaling due to Nonlinear Scalng Fields", August 1988; University of Oklahoma at Stillwater.
- Stuart Burnett "Corrections to Scaling in Real and Model Systems", August 1993, Aachen, Germany.
- Fellow, American Physical Society
- Member, Phi Beta Kappa Committee on Qualifications (National), 1987-
- Member, National Research Council Postdoctoral Associateship Panel, 1973-1989 (Chairman, 1984-87)
- Secretary of Faculties, Purdue University, 1980-2003
- Distinguished Visiting Professor, U.S. Air Force Academy, 1977-78
- Director, Purdue-Indiana Studies Program an der Universität Hamburg, 1979-80
- Assistant Dean of Graduate School, Purdue University, 1972-77
- Professor of Physics, Purdue University, 1964-present
- Associate Professor of Physics, Purdue University, 1961-64
- Assistant Professor of Physics, Purdue University, 1958-61
- Instructor Physics, Stanford University, 1955-58
- "Elements of Plasma Pysics", New York; Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., 1964. (210 pages).
- "Introductory Physics", (two volumes), New York; Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc. January, 1975. (Combined edition, 1977). (1120 pages).
- "Fisica, 1 Mecanica and Fisica 2 Electricidad y Magnetismo", Nueva Editorial Interamericana, Mexico, 1979 (920 pages).
- "Two Nucleon Potential from the Cut-off Yukawa Theory", Phys. Rev. 100, 900 (1955).
- "Center-of-Mass Motion in Many-Particle Systems", (with C. Schwartz) Phys. Rev. 103, 482 (1957).
- "Phenomenology of First Order Phase Transitions", Phys. Rev. B, 23, 4541-4555 (1981).
- "Sparce Matrix Analysis of Spin-1/2 Ising Systems", (with N. Fuchs), Phys. Rev. B, 31, 7261-7273 (1985).
- "Phenomenology, specific heat and corrections to scaling in copper ammonium bromide", (with S.S.C. Burnett), Phys. Rev. B49, 1137-1145 (1994).