Monte Carlo Simulations of Air Showers Through a series of programs developed by Kertzman and Sembroski, we are ableto model gamma ray air showers. In the KASCADE programs, we enter inputs suchas energy, observation altitude, and shower direction into the computer. Asthe simulations go on, data files are written out which contain thecharacteristics of the gamma ray shower. These data files are then convertedinto a form which is able to be used in several different software packages.Because we know the values which areinput into the simulation, we can use the output data to experiment withdetection methods and techniques for distinguishing between gamma ray andcosmic ray induced showers. The KASCADE programs follow the electrons andpositrons of the air shower, keeping track of their energy, direction, andother pieces of information. This data is then read into another program(KASLITE) which generates the photons which would be produced by theseelectrons and positrons. For a typical 1 TeV shower over 60,000,000 photonsare produced and kept track of. |  |